The First Episode.
I’ve always liked living inside a little story. I get to do that when I’m out fishing and filming. Making films about whatever I do gives more meaning to me in some strange way, that why I started making this vlog style video diary in June 2023. It became 12 episodes, this is the first one.

Exploring my local swamp.
Episode 2. From the window in my living room I can see a little part of the “swamp”. In 2016 when we built our house it barley existed, but thanks to the beaver family the little ditch has grown into something that almost could be considered a swamp.
The Forest River
Episode 3. The fishing I find in the local forest rivers is perhaps not exiting enough to bring me out there by myself. But when I bing the camera it is like having a friend along. It also adds another level to the fishing. Filming a take makes me happy, more happy than just catching a fish. I didn’t really manage film the takes properly in this episode but I really started to enjoy the vlog filming game.
Unexplored Bends
Episode 4. This is two days after episode 4. I went back to the same forest river and had one of the best fishing days ever until I managed to loose my beloved glass-fibre rod.
Episode 5. Every year in the beginning of July I leave my family and head north for a week of fishing. Before going out on the big mission with Håvard, me and Markus I stopped by his local creek.
A week in the Arctic
Episode 6. These are some snippets from the July trip with Håvard and Markus. Most of what I filmed I saved for the film “A Not Too Steady Flow of Mayflies”.
Brook Trout
Episode 7. The first fish I caught on a dry fly was a Brook Trout. At the time, I didn’t know that the fish we in Sweden call “Amerikansk Bäckröding” (American Brook Char) is in fact a Brook trout. Though they are invasive here, I will always love them.

Mikael Jacobsson
Episode 8. I live in the village Överoboda in Västerbotten, I am very grateful that “Jacksson” also lives here.
The coast of Norway
Episode 9. I was on a roll, making films about my fishing life. I wouldn’t let a family vaccantion stop me. We rented a house an hour from Mo I Rana, and brought all the fishing gear we had at home.
Episode 9. I don’t really know what happened here, I tried to make something about my connection with Kristian, but it didn’t really turned out that way.
Baltic Pike
Episode 10. I live a 30min drive from the Baltic coast. Since I had developed into a pike fisherman I had to take advantage of that. My friend Dr. Wiberg shared his spots.
The Wrong Pike
Epsode 11. Expectations are the mother of dissapointment.
Arctic Grayling.
Håvard, Markus and I had a plan of wrapping up the season by catching a Artic Char on a calm lake with the autumn colours of the mountains in the background. It didn’t turn out the way we planned.